94% Things You Take On A Picnic Answers

By | August 21, 2015

Walkthrough of 94% Things You Take On A Picnic Answers for every question in 94 percent game cheats. If I say painting materials and show you a picture of pumpkin head, what comes to mind first? think some words that words associated with questions that will cover 94 percent of the given answers !
Cheats for 94% Game Answers :

94% Things you take on a picnic
38% Food
23% Blanket
17% Basket
12% Drinks
2% Family
1% Napkins
1% Plates

94% Painting materials
38% Brush
29% Paint
16% Canvas
4% Roller
2% Palette
2% Easel
2% Tape
1% Ladder

94% Pumpkin Head Picture
40% Pumpkin
22% Halloween
13% Quiet
10% Fall
9% Creepy


If you’re having difficulties to find your 94% game answers don’t worry, because if you search 1 of the question correctly then you will find the rest of them here ! Just remember that there are some different question for ios and Android on this 94% game developed by Scimob, but you don’t have to worry because we have covered all the solutions !