Step by step walkthrough for Color Block Jam Level 39 ! on this stage you have time 03:30 to get the block out of the correct color ! the challenge is on the frozen block on the middle where you need to get 5 blocks out to melt it, so find the color block jam level 39 solution below if you stuck =)
Color Block Jam – Fun Block Puzzle Game by Rollic Games
first get the small red block on the bottom out, by moving the green and yellow block to the left
next move the small pink out to the right, by moving the blue and light green
drag the pink on top left to make a way for yellow vertical block out to the top
now move all the block on top to the left so you can move the blue vertical block out to the top
then move dark green L shape out to the top and it will melt the + block on middle that have dark green color
now move the small light green block to the left
continue with the small pink out to the right door
then move the square pink blue to the right so the pink color will destroy leaving the blue color
continue with the vertical pink to the right gate
then drag the vertical light green out to the left door
next move the horizontal light green to left gate
continue with + dark green to the top door
now move the square light green with inner yellow to the left door so the green color got removed
next drag the L blue to the top right out
then move square yellow to top left
and continue with the vertical yellow out to the top
drag the square blue out to top right
finally the horizonal red out with bottom gate
If you need the video guide of Color Block Jam Level 39 you can take a look here