Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Polyjuice Potion Walkthrough

By | July 13, 2018

Guide for Year 4 Side Quest Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Polyjuice Potion Walkthrough – Something terrible has happened to Penny, her Wit-Sharpening Potion gone ! it just vanished, she spent weeks working on that potion, and that’s the most difficult one she’ve ever brewed. Then somehow Merula show Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore ‘her’ incredible Wit-Sharpening Potion… Merula stole it and Merula take credit for penny’s potion !
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery by Jam City, Inc. on iOS and Android devices

here are the task that you need to finish for this side quest :
1. Help Penny in the Great Hall (lower floor – west)
Finish “Find Penny’s Potion” in 3 hours with 1 star to pass
Penny will ask you : what should we do about merula ?
– forget about it
– make it right
– get revenge

2. Meet Penny in the Clocktower Courtyard (lower floor – west)
She will ask you how to get merula to confess :
– let’s brew veritaserum
– let’s attack her
– let’s reason with her

Finish “Meet with Penny” in 3 hours with 1 star to pass, then she will ask you
Who do you think could make Merula confess ?
– Dumbledore
– Snape
– Merula’s Mother

3. Search for ingredients in the Potions classroom (dungeons)
Finish “Search the Potions Classroom” in 3 hours with 1 star to pass
You still need to gather Bicorn Horn and Boomslang Skin, Penny’s friend Lizard Tuttle can get them. Tuttle, her nickname is lizard. She’s an amazing Slytherin in 4th year who’s obsessed with magical creatures.
She even names every Flobberworm she meets, your reaction to choose :
– She sounds cool
– She sounds strage

4. Meet Liz in the Upstairs Corridor (lower floor – west)

5. Brew Polyjuice Potion with Penny at corridor (lower floor- west)
Finish “Brew with Penny” in 3 hours with 1 star to pass

6. Get Snape’s Hair at Potions classroom (dungeons)
Snape will praise Merula that she continues to demonstrate great skill, while the rest of you lag behind. He see no evidence that anyone could surpass her abilities.
Your respond :
– Penny is better!
– I’m better!
– You’re right!
Finish “Potions Class” in 3 hours with 1 star to pass

then you can choose these options when you’re talking to Snape :
– Give me your hair
– How about the weather?
– Merula is lying

and then.. :
– Pluck his hair
– I can’t

7. Finish the Polyjuice Potion with Penny at Corridor (lower floor – west)
Do “Finish Polyjuice Potion” in 3 hours with 1 star to pass

8. Impersonate Snape in the Great Hall (lower floor – west)
When you talk to Dumbledore, he will ask if he offend you ?
– i don’t care
– shut your mouth
– you know Harry Potter?!

Finish “Hangout in Great Hall” in 3 hours with 1 star to pass

Now that you call out merula to admit her ‘crime’ then you can choose these option :
– go easy on her
– scold her


at the end you will get 10 Points to your house from Dumbledore and that’s the end of the story 🙂