The Football Match Reverse 1999 Guide

By | November 12, 2023

The Football Match Reverse 1999 Guide for Thief of The Thieves Guide Reverse: 1999 Event Exhibit Item : The Football Match ! This is the last question. We must replace The Football Match before Sean does.
Time to inspect what you have learned, Melania. Here are the answers :

Stage 1
Daily Affair
Bonus question : what is the easiest way to sneak into the security room if you are an innocent visitor ?
Enable the smoke alarm
Create chaos. Nice thinking pattern.

[Rating +5]

Our old friend Iverson designed this question. He’d better pray his Guidance on Security will actually work in the field.
Look up Guidance on Security
No one would write every detail of their security plans in a publication … except Iverson.
Excellent. Now we have all the plans of New Humans.

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I already found 5 grammatical mistakes on the first page of Guidance on Security.
But we should focus on their flaws in the hall now.
Check the CCTV
Guidance on Security. Article 41: The cameras shall be placed at the vertexes of a triangle to eliminate blind spots.
A perfect theory in usual rooms, butu obviously Iverson didn’t take arched halls into consideration : the ceiling here is a huge blind spot !

Stage 2
Daily Affair
Think about it, how are you going to escape if you are caught when checking the ventilation ducts ?
Use the Sweed Dream Hallucinogen
Quite an expensive choice, but also the best choice in the situation. I’ll take that.

[Rating +5]

Look at this, Melania. Guidance on Security.
Article 342 : Security officers on duty are also allowed to have food and drink distributed by the company.
They are more cautious about food supply now. Our Sleep Popping Beans may not work this time.
Use it anyway
“Only allowed to have food and drink distributed by the company” means they have to eat whatever the company offers…
Perfect analysis, Melania. Disguise as the food supplier of New Humans and it takes no effort to mix their food with the beans.

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We’d better confirm if the ceiling is as safe as we thought before taking action.
Oh no, watch out for that guard … He’s alert as a trained dog.
Take out Guidance on Security
“Hah, another admirer of New Humans ! well, this is not the kind of magazine for a young girl like you. I’d say, you are still far from …”
The guard starts boasting aboutu their security measures. Thanks to his warmheartedness, now we are clear where the infrared sensors on the ceiling are.

[Remove Effect “Zealousness”]

Stage 3
Daily Affair
A robot which seems malfunctioning is right ahead. Even though it looks powered off, it can be a trouble for a rookie thief like you.
Avoid it
You try very hard to avoid the “malfunctioning” robot, even though you are not sure if that’s necessary. In the end, not a single alarm is enabled.

[Rating +5]

Daily Affair
A cute cat is in front of you. It is obviously not Sean the Great Thief.
Use the Bubble Distractor
The pink hallucinogen has drawn the cat’s attention. You have escaped successfully.

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Night has fallen, time for action. Quick suggestion : the Sleepy Popping Beans don’t always work at the same time. We’d better plan a safe route into the hall.
Leave it to me!
Looks like you are confident of the preparations you have made. Keep going, Melania

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Stage 4
Daily Affair
We have to consider emergencies too. How are you going to escape if all the stairs and ventilation ducts are blocked?
Jump out of the window
I can see your determination. Looks like we need to take a grappling hook and a paraglider with us

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Yes, i’m sure we have a clear understanding of the blind spot on the ceiling, and there are enough Sleepy Popping Beans in the meal …
But that guard on a diet is apparently not part of the teachings from Guidance on Security. We have to knock him out, Melania.
Try to escape
The most unpredictable part is always the staff. Lesson learned.

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Someone’s here. Looks like we overestimated their regularity: they don’t always have dinner at the same time.
Retreat for now
Great. Throw out these noisy rats, they will dance all night in the hall.
The guards are too busy chasing after the clockwork rats to pay attention to us. We are safe for now.

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Stage 5
Hmm, the guards have all left the hall in panic, yet these clumsy robots are still patrolling as usual.
We have to do something with these iron heads.
Read Guidance on Security
Aha, they are still under testing. Without built-in batteries, their power completely relies on the cables at their feet … all i need is pair of scissors …
Powered off. Now they are only useless iron heads.

[Remove Effect “Emergency Charge”]

It gets even noisier outside the hall. Looks like we are not the only visitor tonight. It could Sean … or another copycat.
Either way, we will get the exhibit before they do.
Replace The Football Match with a counterfeit
I knew you can do this. Time to go.

Uh-oh, did we just trip over a cable ? A robot found us !
Take down !
Hold the painting ! We must get rid of them before entering the rooftop !

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Stage 6
An iron friend caught us out of the blue. It looks quite unfriendly … Correction, quite dangerous.
Watch out for those pliers and guns !
Guidance on Security said nothing about this model. we have to take it out here, and we can talk about “future” after that.
Fight carefully
Well done, my student.
Make sure you have avoided all the cameras, and blocked every way out of the hall …
Now we can go to the rooftop and wait for the real “fish” to bite the hook.

[Rating +10]


You will get 100/100 A score !