Solve the door code to pass this stage ! we’ll help you on 100 escapers level 16 walkthrough with the numbers and explanation why 😀
the answer is B525518 to open door 16
here’s the solution guide :
get the bucket on door left side
then pick up the white paper under it
look for a table with plant, take a cup with liquid
find a sink, use the bucket on sink to fill with water
use the water on the candy container on the right side
count the candy that float :
3 green
5 orange
15 yellow
fill in the bucket with water again
go to a table with chemical glass
pour the cup with liquid on the top chemical glass
then pour the water on it
put the paper on the brown liquid
you’ll have another color on the paper
go to the door now time to find the puzzle hint above the door
the plane type is Bifi or B52
next count all the colors with the order color below the plane
green red yellow
5 – 5 – 18
so enter : B525518 to open this door !
How can one find what plane is it? I found no addicional clues on that.