Disc of Turin Reverse 1999 Guide

By | November 10, 2023

Disc of Turin Reverse 1999 Guide for Thief of The Thieves Guide Reverse: 1999 Event Exhibit Item : Disc of Turin !
You need to pick the right decision to get the A rank so you don’t need to redo this everytime you choose the wrong option =) Stay alert, Melania. Ramirez is at risk now, and we must value every order. Here are the answers :

Day 1
Daily Affair
A man who claims to be a friend of your father’s enters the security room with tea and cookies, hoping to catch up with you.
Drive him away
A bad lie. Your father has no friends. You have avoided a scandal.
“Derek’s Gang” has sent a warning letter of their theft. No matter it’s a prank or not, to complete this hard-earned order, please collect relevant information and take it seriously.

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Daily Affair
An old guard who has worked for your father for many years claims there’s a huge malfunction in the CCTV.
“I told you, Melania, those new gizmos don’t work!”
Check it yourself
You reach the monitor room to find the “malfunction” is only a loose plug.

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Day 2
“Hey! I’m sure your men called me here!”
A raging plumber storms into the monitor room, yet none of the guards admits calling him.
Mediate the dispute
“Watch your number next time!” The plumber storms out of the room.

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Daily Affair
Oh no, there are too many visitors in this hall.
– Handle Later

Daily Affair
A famous collector visits the hall. He asks you to open the glass case for him to watch the exhibit closely.
Refuse his request
You turn him down politely, despite how famous he is, yet the man highly praises you for your professionality. “It’s just a test.”
Now he no longer doubts the professionality of Ramirez. You will have more orders.

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Day 3
You have received the first payment. Now you can “upgrade” the security system a little bit.
More arcane props
Glory to Ramirez. You father would fancy this choice.

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Daily Affair
A guard reports in panic that he sees spirits floating around the exhibit.
– Handle Later

Daily Affair
An unexpected thief visiting : there are rats in the hall !
Drive them away
Your staff have spent all their energy driving these fluffy little things away. Hopefully they won’t go astray again.

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Day 4
Two drunkards have a fight in the exhibition hall. Perhaps they just lost the beer money in the game.
Calm them down with force
The police take them away. I think we need a breathalyzer.

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Daily Affair
A sneaky man is wandering around the hall. He hopes to make a deal with you.
“I know every thief in London … I can help you catch them, as long as the price is good.”
Test him
You ask the man to prove himself. “Watch out for the woman who takes picture.” The man leaves after giving a piece of advice.

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Day 5
Look who’s in the camera? The drunkards, the plumber, and Derek, the infamy Great Thief in the West End.
They are either having a party, or performing a well-planned “thef operation” here.
Catch them
Quite an adventure, but the Disc of Turin is safe now.

[Rating +10]


You will get 100/100 A score !